

Juliet Wright

As the Brand Developer here, I bring a unique blend of strengths to the table. Picture this: I'm like a human dynamo, fueled by my Achiever and Activator strengths. With a futuristic vision and a knack for winning people over (thanks, Woo!), I'm all about creating connections and building brands that stand out from the crowd.

I took a different path after high school, diving headfirst into a photography career. It was during this journey that I witnessed big marketing firms misrepresenting companies, sparking the idea for Tally.

You'll often hear me asking, "If you had a magic wand, what would you do?" I'm all about dreaming big and pushing boundaries. And let's not forget my insatiable thirst for knowledge—I devour audiobooks like they're going out of style.

So, if you're ready to turn your ideas into reality and take your brand to new heights, I'm your go-to gal. Let's make some magic together!

My Tally Work

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